Graphic Recording

As a graphic recorder, I accompany any kind of meeting, conference, seminar, workshop or brainstorming session. I simultaneously translate the course of the conversation, the emerging ideas and the results into concise and original images. These visual protocols are created with pen on paper or digital on the iPad.

I record in English, German and French.

Z2X / Zeit Online

How can the Bundestag become more representative in the future? – In the Z2X online meeting, young visionaries came together to find answers to this question. I visualised their ideas and concepts live and generated short step-by-step videos for the presentation on the Z2X website.

Red Cross & THW

In many of my graphic recording assignments, I work for NGOs in the fields of development aid, civil protection, disaster relief and cultural heritage protection. Here are some selected visualisations of lectures and panel discussions.

Crime Next Door

On the True Crime TV show »Verbrechen von Nebenan« (on Sky Crime) I visualised summaries of the discussed criminal cases live in the studio. I also acted as a side-kick to presenter Philipp Fleiter and explained details of the cases using my drawings.

Clients (selection)

Various Graphic Recordings

Shadows of society In stores now!

Books & Stories

A little bit further …

A little bit further …

With a sketchbook through the wilds of Austria

Making Friends in Bangalore

Making Friends in Bangalore

With a sketchbook in India

Shadows of society

Shadows of society

The homeless of Berlin

The Nowhere is on our side

The Nowhere is on our side

Contemporary artists in Siberia

Haiti Cheri

Haiti Cheri

A drawn report

Goat's Milk & Crayon

Goat's Milk & Crayon

Through new and old times.

Projects & Work

Graphic Theatre

Graphic Theatre

Graphic Recording

Graphic Recording

Drawn Reports

Drawn Reports





Workshops & Teaching

Workshops & Teaching