Making Friends in Bangalore

With a sketchbook in India

What does an illustrator do when he is in India? Correct, he draws. Anywhere, anytime.

Whenever I was sitting in the streets of Bangalore (South India) with my sketchbook, I was surrounded by numerous curious spectators looking over my shoulder and asking me what I was doing. They were telling me about their lives and work and took me around to show me their crazy city. The book reports all the exciting and funny encounters with the residents of the city and the adventures I experienced with them. Amongst others it tells stories of a rickshaw driver with no sense of orientation, a maniac portrait artist, a three day long wedding and the dangerous holes in the streets of India.

144 pages, soft cover, published by Büchergilde Gutenberg (sold out).

The book is available again and can be ☛ ordered here (25 € + shipping). Each book comes with personal dedication.

The French version is available at Éditions Cambourakis.

One of the 25 most beautiful German books 2014
Stiftung Buchkunst (German Foundation for Book Art)

Sondermann Newcomer Award 2014
Sondermann, Association for comical art and literature

Best International Travel Sketchbook 2014
Rendez-vous du Carnet de Voyage, Clermont-Ferrand, France

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